For years, my supplements didn?t work. I got tired spending all that money and not getting results. So, like most people, I stopped buying them. But my health continued to decline and I got frightened as I read more and more articles by credible people about the need for food supplementation.
One day, I spoke with my N.D. and asked him why all these supplements just didn?t make much difference in the way I felt or in my health in general?
He assured me that my supplements under the worst conditions still did some good. But he suggested that I might have a ?coated colon?. Now, I have never had a constipation problem like many people I know, but he informed me that if you did not have regular colon cleanses, your colon would retain build-up along the walls of the colon preventing passage of the food nutrients to your blood stream and your body cells. This he called ?absorption restriction?.
I had to admit that I had never taken or had any thing done to improve the cleansing of my colon. So, I had a colonic (a sort of power enama) and then started a detoxification and cleanse program for the colon using a product with bulk fiber and cleansers.
I immediately began to see an improvement in my energy and my health. I was even able to cut back on some supplements.
It is a known fact that large numbers of American have colon build up causing ?absorption restriction?. This is especially noticeable in the restriction of supplements such as Vitamin b12, Omega3 and other fat based supplements.
Many nutritionists and Naturopaths will start their clients on colon cleanse and colonics before they will allow them to start on supplementation. It does not matter how much supplement you take, it will never work if it cannot get to the blood stream and the body cells.
Colon cleanse products are one of the most economical products on the market. I make it a practice to do a ?cleanse? every 3 to 4 month. This keeps my pipes clean and my engine running. If you need further informati! on stop by our site and read the entire colon report by Dr. Preston, free. We have a great product too, if you do not have one.
Everett Ramsey is Manager of the following outlet of information and products with over 25 years experience.
Colon Cleanse
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