วันอังคารที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551 | | 1 ความคิดเห็น

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #8

Life is extraordinary filled with wonderful people to show up to teach us things. Mitzi, a special friend from high school, sent me a book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, when I was struggling with a sickness years ago. The author speaks about the law of attraction, which I have written about previously. In addition, she writes, ?No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher.? When you look at life this way, it becomes so simple.

Rather than be offended by what a person is saying to you, think a new thought. What is this person teaching me? What can I learn from this person? This book changed my life as it showed me how I could change my thoughts. I had always functioned from a foundation of worry and fear. Worry and fear are lower vibrational energies and then I attracted lower energies. Today, I see things entirely different as a result of changing my thoughts, and am so grateful for this transformation. I am now attracting higher vibrational energies and am amazed who is showing up for me!

What I would like you to do is write down the top five people in your life. Don?t try and analyze this?just write down those people that first pop into your mind. Now, write down the lessons they are teaching you. This might be a challenge if there is conflict with any of them. I once read that your true soul mates are the people who challenge you to be better.

You have been given many great gifts. You are to share your talents with the world. By remaining stuck in your weight issues, you are ripping off the world of what you came to this earth to do. Recently, I worked with a personal coach who said these exact words to me?.that if I wasn?t sharing my talents, I was ripping off the world of all that God intended for me. This really made a powerful impact. Everything you are today is because of your thoughts and your decisions that you have made as a result of those thoughts. In the book, If You Think You Can, the word decision comes from the ! Latin ro ot meaning ?to cut off from.? ?There comes a time in every person?s life when making a decision is truly necessary. A decision where you thought so deeply in what you want that there is no option for turning back.?

Make the decision today to gain your power back and lose the weight. The answers are within you. Keep focused on your goal. Surround yourself with people who will support your decision and release those who won?t. Give up the lifestyle that supported your weight gain. See the weight as a gift to you so that you will be conscious in becoming all you can be. We all get off track and the weight becomes a reminder that you want something different, something more meaningful. Again, it?s very simple. To quote Wayne Dyer, ?Surround yourself with the conditions you want to produce.?

Who are the people you are going to surround yourself?

Who are the people you are going to have limited contact?

Who are the people you are going to let go?

Just to let you know what is coming up in January. I?ll be offering a teleconference call to help you outline your goals for 2005. The only cost to you is the price of the phone call. I?m so excited to be able to talk to you?I?m shakin? my booty right now in anticipation.

Remember that you are already whole and complete just as God created you. You?re peeling back the layers to discover the beauty that already exists?you only need to see it. Quick, grab a mirror or go stand in front of the mirror and repeat after me. Put energy into these words and smile while you?re saying them.

I am the most beautiful person on this earth! I am a wonderful child of God! I am powerful! I am God?s gift to the world! I am my ideal weight! I love myself!

Thank you for being you!

Love and hugs,

Tami http://www.tamiclose.com http://www.closekeptsecretstoweightloss.com

Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her w! eight lo ss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.


วันศุกร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Weight Loss Motivation Does My Butt Look Big?

Put on the Spot

I have often wondered if women realize what a precarious position they place their men in when asking the age old question Honey, does my butt look too big. The man, now feeling as if he were standing on thin ice in the middle of a semi frozen lake tries to find the words that will bring him back to the shores of her good graces. His dilemma being that no answer can satisfy her.

Skewed Views

I can't help but to wonder how much her initial question was influenced by what she has seen in the media. Today's images of the Hollywood starlets fitting into a size 2 dresses and the latest craze of size 0 is more than skewing the view that women should have of their bodies.

The Ultimate Reward

Let me take a moment and just remind all of us that while we all want to look our best, the ultimate reward of losing weight and toning up is your overall health. The simple fact that you might feel better, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, extend your life span while improving your quality of life are the real reasons for getting into shape.

Remember ultimately it's not about your weight or the way you look, it's about your health.

Ken Crawford, President & CEO of Weight Loss Partners LLC, a motivational and accountability company pertaining to long term weight management offers his expertise in the area of becoming active on a consistent basis. Crawford stresses team approach to weight loss with the goal of building a foundation for living a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

Visit Weight Loss Partners at http://www.weightlosspartners.com and subscribe to receive a complimentary tip every week.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

6 Natural Ways To Have Great Health

Take control of your own health. People often don't think about it until they develop health problems. Here are some common sense things you can do to create good health for yourself.

1. Open yourself up to become aware and learn.

There are many approaches to health using natural techniques. It may be using nutritional supplements. It may be using health professionals such as chiropractors or massage therapists. Look into finding naturopathic doctors practicing in your area. The thing is to open up your mind and explore different options.

2.Maintain optimal weight.

You have to find a weight that feels right to you. Some people naturally weigh more than others, but a 5% loss of body weight(10 pounds for someone weighing 200 pounds) can lower health risks.

3.Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Organic may be best, but just make an effort to eat more. Eat what you like, maybe even experiment with different fruits or vegetables you may not of tried before. One such unusual fruit is mangosteen, It comes from the rainforests of southeast asia. It has potent antioxidant power. One brand is Xango, which processes the fruit into a juice. This makes it very easy to use.


There are many methods to accomplish relaxation, such as meditation, breathing exercises, or yoga. Also remember to give yourself time to do what you like whatever it is. Gardening, painting, reading, even playing with your pets. The choice is yours, just remember to set aside time for yourself.


This doesn't have to be formal exercise. Just make an effort to move around more than you are now. Walking is an excellent, easy form of exercise.

6.Get your antioxidants.

Vitamins C and E are important ones. The mangosteen juice as mentioned before can be very helpful. Green tea has been found to be a very effective way to get antioxidants. It can normalize weight. It can also promote relaxation.

When you think about it, these 6 ways ! all work together, It is not that difficult to become healthy. Just be aware,learn, and explore.

Joseph Beres http://www.healthdepotonline.com Simple ways to achieve great health.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

All About Plastic Surgery

The plastic surgery has become a multi-million dollar one, as both men and women employ more and more extreme tools in order to reach the ever more ubiquitous image of perfection that torments us. It sometimes seems as though the tiny people of Hollywood have been constructed entirely out of plastic in a conspiracy to make the rest of us feel like ogres. And in a world where beauty is a highly rated currency, it is little wonder that many of us succumb.

And while plastic surgery is not a bad thing in and of itself, it is still an invasive procedure as dangerous as any other type of surgery, and should not be undertaken lightly. But if the growing number of people who choose surgery every year is anything to go by, then surgery is becoming the quick fix of the masses.

But if anything needs fixing, surely it is a society where people undergo risky surgery in order to feel okay about themselves. We pride ourselves on the advancements we make as a society every moment, and while attractiveness has historically always been of value, is it not now time that we rebel against the status of beauty as the primary currency in our society? But beauty is more powerful that ever, and combined with our enormous technological knowledge, we are at a point when we have the tools to look almost exactly as we wish.

Perhaps the world of 'The Stepford Wives' is really not so very far away. As people make appointments daily for surgery that will make them look like someone else, we are at risk of losing our individuality to a cult that simply wants us all the same. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it seems that as time progresses, we are all beginning to see through one blighted eye. What will we do once we are all finally beautiful? Perhaps then we will begin to look a little deeper. Or perhaps we our notion of beauty will change, as it has done countless time through history, and we will all be left to start from scratch again

Jeff Lakie is the founder of Plastic Surgery Reso! urces a website providing information on cosmetic surgery.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Breast Cancer Information Is Important

Breast cancer usually happens when certain cells located in the breast start to grow out of control, taking over nearby tissue and spreading throughout the body. Large collections of this infected tissue are called tumors. Some tumors are not even considered to be cancer because they cannot spread throughout the body or threaten a person's life. These types of tumors are called benign tumors.

The types of tumors that do spread throughout the body and invade the tissues around the breast are considered to be cancer and have been given the name malignant tumors. It is said that any type of tissue in the breast can form some type of cancer, but it mostly comes from either ducts or glands.

It can take months or even years for a tumor to get big enough for someone to actually feel it in their breast, so they are encouraged to be screened for tumors by a mammogram. Mammograms are designed to detect any type of disease before a person even begins to feel it.

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy that affects women in America and throughout Europe. Every single woman is at risk of getting breast cancer and almost 200,000 cases of were said to be diagnosed in the United States in 2001. It is the second highest cause, behind lung cancer, of cancer deaths among women in North America.

The types of risk factors for breast cancer are divided into two types, those you can't change and those you can change. The factors associated with increasing your risk of breast cancer that your can't change include: just being a woman, getting older, or having some type of family history or a relative with breast cancer. Other risk factors are having your menopause late, having children past the age of thirty, or contracting a genetic mutation that would somehow increase your risk.

Certain types of risk factors that you can change are:

- not taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which means that long term uses of estrogens for menopause symptoms does in fact slightly increas! e your r isk.

- stopping the use of birth control pills, because it is noted that ten years following the cessation of The Pill, a woman's risk of breast cancer reverts to what it would have been if she had not used this form of birth control.

However, neither of these risks are as significant as the ones that are associated with your gender, age, and family history.

All the factors are based on probabilities, and that means that a person without any of those mentioned is still subject to developing breast cancer and the best way to be sure is to get the proper screening and detection for breast cancer development.

There are preventative measures that can be taken, up to a point. It is noted that a drug called Tamoxifen is not used widely as a prevention, but it has been proved to be helpful in some cases. There is also a limited amount of data that suggests that Vitamin A may be useful in the prevention of breast cancer, but further research is needed to prove this.

The most important step for a woman to prevent breast cancer is to schedule regular checkups, screenings and mammograms, learn how to perform her own exams, and also to acquire all the information she can about the subject.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Breast Cancer

วันพุธที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Lyme Disease and Ticks How is it Transmitted?

Lyme disease is transmitted through deer ticks when they bite someone. It has a bacteria called spirochete. If it is diagnosed and treated early on with antibiotics it is easy to stop.

They say a tick that is infected can't transmit Lyme disease until it has been attached to the host for 36 to 48 hours. So if you are in an area where these ticks are, check yourself and others at lease once a day.

If a tick has attached itself to you and it has been a few hours, chances are it has not had enough time to be able to transmit the disease. You should be aware of the symptoms though. If rashes appear around the bite, joint pain or flu-like symptoms in the first month or so, it could be signs of Lyme disease.

Northern California, Oregon and parts of the east coast are slowly being invaded by Lyme disease. Some say it is due to deer or other large animals and bird migrations. Check with local agency's to see what the tick and Lyme disease situation is like.

Some more symptoms are chills, fever, fatigue, aches, tingling or numbness, headaches and swelling of lymph glands. If you think you may have Lyme disease, see your doctor as soon as possible.

To help limit exposer to ticks here are some tips to help you. Keep the area around your property clear of leaves and brush. Light colored clothing can help you spot ticks easily. Use a insect repellent that contains DEET. If you hike, stay on cleared paths and avoid sitting directly on walls or the ground. Wear pants and long sleeves. After coming back from a hike you should check yourself and others for ticks. They usually get onto your lower half first. Then they travel up the body looking for areas they can kind of hide in. Armpits, groin area and top of the head are some places they like to go.

David Getchel runs http://ticks.worldcondition.com More great information is available there.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Hypnotherapy: Be Your Own Master and Commander

Hypnotherapy, as a word has been associated with a lot of mumbo-jumbo over the years. Whenever we think of hypnosis, we think of evil characters manipulating the actions of innocent individuals for their own selfish motives. But in the recent years there has been a lot of researches on the subject of hypnosis and the findings have been startling. Did you know that on an average almost all of us are in a trance/hypnotic state everyday without being aware of it? Did you know that hypnotherapy is not something restricted to mankind, but that even animals practice some form of it? Did you know that the ancient Egyptians used hypnosis as early as 3rd Century BC?

In the last few years hypnotherapy has emerged as a major tool for personality development and psychological healing. Everyone, yes everyone can benefit with the use of hypnosis in altering some personality traits or areas of concern in our lives. Hypnotherapy is in some sense like art, the more you practice, the better you get at it. That is why the old adage ?practice makes perfect? fits hypnosis so well. I have always believed and instilled in my clients that hypnosis is a natural state, it is something as normal as breathing. We all get into trance like states everyday?remember those summer afternoons when your boss was talking nonstop in a meeting, and you found yourself drifting into a world of your own? That?s exactly what the state of hypnosis is like.

Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind, where we connect with our subconscious mind; it is similar to meditation but the difference lies in the fact that with hypnosis you do not disconnect with the present world, but are aware of it completely. A person who is being hypnotized is in control of the process all through, and no, you cannot be hypnotized against your will. Neither will you ever get stuck within a hypnotic state; all that might happen to you is that you might doze off in a particularly effective hypnotherapy session.

Just imagine what the future could be like if yo! u realiz ed that you had the power to change it. Does the idea seem like something out of a fantasy? There is every reason for you to feel that it is impossible to miraculously change things about yourself, and create a new you. You are not to be blamed; it is the way we have been conditioned in society. It makes us think that the power to change ourselves and our lives lies not with us but with some mysterious entity. But I am here to tell you that the power lies within you, all you need to do is search for it inside. Hypnotherapy is a tool which can help you reach that power, and help you unleash the true potential of your subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy can be used to help you work on your confidence, to increase your intuitive powers, for a positive self image, to cure you of smoking or drinking and to gain insight amongst other things. You can help realign and re-educate your subconscious mind through the use of hypnosis.

Richard MacKenzie is a leading expert in the field of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. He also has a range of Hypnosis Downloads

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

How to Get Quality Workouts at Home

You?ve been thinking of working out but the thought of regular visits to a health club, spa, or gym doesn?t quite appeal? Well, you can actually save the drive time and get a fairly good workout on a home gym. In this article, we?ll discuss the different types of machines available, how they work, and some considerations to make when purchasing your own home gym.

There are three main types of home gym equipment: traditional, rod systems, and gravity resistance (Of course, there are also free weight bench sets, but these aren?t necessarily for everyone and, depending on whether or not you have small children or pets in your home, may present potential hazards).

Traditional gym machines are generally what you would find in your local gym. These machines tend to be big and heavy, and can take up a lot of space. They involve pulley assemblies attached to weight stacks and the amount of weight a person can work with can usually range up to 300 lbs. Of course, the precise amount of weight to be used for a particular exercise may be determined by the use of a simple pin-slot system. How much do they cost? Well, they can be quite pricey, starting out in the 800 to 900 dollar range going all the way up to and exceeding 2000 dollars based on chosen options and features.

Traditional home gyms have been around for decades. However, a second type of home gym setup, the rod system, seems to be the wave of the future. These machines use rods with different resistance rates selectable with a hook and bungee system. Rod systems have the advantage of being both smaller and lighter than traditional home gyms. They have a sleeker look and are absent a heavy weight stack---definitely a consideration if you have small children in the home. Power rod machines also feature a full range of exercises, including rowing on some models. The resistance rods are usually standard at 210lbs as the max. However, these are upgradeable to a maximum of 410lbs! What?s the cost? Machines like this range from 900 to ! 2200 dol lars.

Finally, another type of home gym that is growing in popularity is the gravity resistance gym. Gravity resistance systems are very compact and ?easily stowed?, using only minimal space when assembled. They use a system of pulleys and your own body weight to achieve a quality work out. Different settings allow your body weight to utilize greater or lesser amounts of resistance making them easy to use for both the beginner and the advanced user. Gravity resistance systems come in several different sizes and may be configured to fit neatly under a bed or in the corner of a room. Size is certainly an advantage, but here are two other advantages: a user can engage in a wide range of exercises and the machines are reasonably priced at 300 to 600 dollars.

Which home gym set up should you buy? As with most purchases, your decision should ultimately be based on the balancing of several concerns; namely, your needs, preferences, and available finances. However, rest assured, if working out and getting into shape at home is what you desire, there are certainly more than enough choices to choose from.

The author of this article is Tim Moore, who publishes a website on Vitamins, herbs, and nutrition which features a section on Antioxidants

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No Flab With That Blouse is So Necessary

A guide to toning up flabby arms

by Cathy Gatson
With Spring in the air and Summer just around the corner?it will soon be time to change clothes and go?sleeveless. If you've been shopping lately, you may have noticed many of the blouses, tops and dresses for Spring/Summer are haltered, strapless, or sleeveless, exposing lots of skin. The styles are sexy but flabby arms are not. If the backs of your arms are waving in the wind, then here are the most recommended and easiest exercises that I've found to improve muscle tone to your arms, shoulders and chest just in time for Spring.

The muscles you want to target are:
Biceps - located at the top of your upper arm. Clench your fist and make a muscle, the bump that should appear is your bicep.
Triceps - located at the back and below your upper arm.
Pectoralis Major & Minor - chest muscles

Push ups are a tried and true exercise which work the triceps, chest, and shoulders. You may modify the traditional push up by both knees on the floor rather than straightening them behind you. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder width apart and push your upper body away. Go at a pace that works for you but be consistent. Gradually increasing your reps. No need to go the gym for this exercise. You can drop and do 20 right before you climb into bed.
Kim King, head strength and conditioning coach for Olympic Sports at the University of Pittsburgh, suggests the following exercises:?
Dumbbell triceps curl
??Stand erect with back straight and feet shoulder width apart.
??Hold dumbbell (if weights are not available substitute weights with 32 oz. waterbottles) in right hand and raise overhead with arm extended.
??Keep upper arm close to head and perpendicular to the floor.
??Slowly lower dumbbell behind head until forearm touches (nears) bicep.
??Raise dumbbell to starting position and repeat movement.
??Inhale when lowering dumbbell, exhale when raising (extending) arm upward.
??Repeat with opposite ar! m. This exercise can also be done while seated.
Dumbbell triceps extension
??Stand holding dumbbell in your right hand with palm facing in.
??Bend forward until your back is nearly parallel to the floor.
??Position left hand on left knee.
??Position upper right arm against side (parallel to ground) with lower arm vertical to ground.
??Press dumbbell back until arm parallel to floor.
??Pause for a moment, then lower dumbbell slowly to starting position, then repeat.
??Inhale when raising dumbbell, exhale when lowering. Repeat with opposite arm.
Hammer bicep curl
??Stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart.
??Hold a light dumbbell in each hand with arms extended down and palms facing inward.
??Keep upper arms tight against ribs and perpendicular to the floor.
??Raise one dumbbell at a time by flexing the arm at the elbow.
??Curl movement should bring dumbbell in line with the shoulder.
??Lower dumbbell slowly until elbow is fully extended.
??Repeat with opposite arm.
??Exhale during upward movement; inhale during downward phase.
?According to the fitness manager at 24 Hour Fitness at Hilltop, Izaac Tyrell, the most effective way to reduce weight is by eating a balanced diet (consisting of carbs, protein and a little fat), doing cardio-vascular exercises in combination with weight training.
Izaak reiterated what I've read in countless health magazines which is there is no spot reduction way to reduce fat in other words, there is no quick fix to flab-less arms!

If done correctly, the exercises mentioned, will yield noticeable results but only if incorporated with cardio exercises and a low fat, nutritious diet. Start now and by summer you should be able to brush your shoulders off and wave flabby arms goodbye!

Resources: For more information on weight loss, and exercise, The Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen e-book has great fat burning tips and cardio exercise programs (www.free-weight-loss-resources.com). Another great resource ! for nutr ition and exercise tips is www.ivillage.com. Winsor Pilates video available at Target for $29.95 an awesome program designed to tone and sculpt your entire body and help you lose weight. Tamilee Webb's, I Want Those Arms? a good video for beginners to intermediate excercisers. available on VHS for $14.95 www.collagevideo.com

Cathy Gatson is a freelance writer and owner/operator of Yada Beauty Lounge, a hair and body salon in Northern California.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

How To Not Lose Weight

Going on a starvation diet.

That is missing meals and only having half meals when you do eat.

You may think that by missing meals you are taking in less calories and surely that is what you must do to lose weight. But you are wrong.

Because your body will decide that there is going to be a famine for whatever reason and so will store whatever carbohydrates and fat are in the food you DO eat and store it as fat for possible future starvation.

Not drinking enough water.

Water is essential for living. You can live for about 3 weeks without food, but only about 7 days without water.

You need to drink about 2 litres a day. If like me you don?t like plain water, you can add unsweetened cordial to it. Do not confuse drinking pure fruit juice with drinking water. Pure fruit juice is more of a food than a drink.

Alcohol especially beer will make you put on weight because it is full of calories.

So if you DON?T want to lose weight, drink lots of it.

Also, not drinking enough water could make you constipated. This will make you feel bloated, sluggish and your metabolism will slow down, resulting in the food you do eat being unable to get away from you and will store as fat. The faster your metabolism, the quicker your waste will be evacuated from your body and not get a chance to hang about as fat.

Carbohydrates will make sure you DON?T lose weight.

If you are really determined that you DON?T want to lose weight. Be sure to eat lots of food containing carbohydrates.

There?s a load of carbohydrates in breads and pastries. So enjoy yourself, tuck into a large plate of meat pie and chips, followed by some delicious apple pie and custard. And to really make sure you DON?T lose weight, have seconds of everything.

Salt will help you in your mission NOT to lose weight.

Salt will absorb water. So the more salt you take in to your body, the less water there will be to convert into blood and other body fluids.

Now you know! how to sabotage your own body and self-destruct.

And you will know How To Not Lose Weight.

This article was written by Eva Moffat a 66 year old woman, living in Manchester, England. She has been awarded Expert Author Status because of her expert knowledge of weight loss.

For more articles like this one, you can see them on my website http://www.weight-loss-4-you.com or E-Mail me on eva.moffat@onetel.net

วันพุธที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Get Fit From Homepart 3: The Playground Workout

Hello again! Thank you for your interest in the articles. Here?s Part 3 of Get Fit At Home! Enjoy!!

The Playground Workout

Step one: find a playground!

While the playground is a wonderland for kids, it has many hidden ways for someone to get a fantastic workout. It?s just a matter of being creative. Here are some ideas:

Monkey Bars- Make a great place to do chin ups! Use the outside support bars for regular pull ups, or hang onto 2 different rungs with our hands facing each other to target the back and biceps a little differently.

Climb to the top and grab 2 rungs. Lower yourself (carefully) down between the 2 rungs so that you?re in a support (arms straight). You?ve now got yourself a dip station!

*Don?t lower yourself too far. If you can?t press back up, it?s a long way down.

Swings- Placing your hands on a single swing with feet on the ground makes a groovy place to do stability pushups. Bend your arms just like you would for a regular push up. They will be harder to do on the swing, because you also have to use the stabilizing muscles in your shoulders to keep the swing from moving forward or backward under you. Keep your stomach tight and it?s a killer ab workout as well.

To make it an advanced ab workout, hold the pushup position with your arms straight. Lift one foot off the ground. Hold for as long as you can keeping your abs tight!

Slide- *This is an advanced exercise! Lunge walks up the slide! I recommend trying these on a hill first. Also make sure you have good, rubber-soled sneakers with plenty of grip. Otherwise you may end up inventing a new exercise.

Jungle Gym- Just climb! Up, over, through, under! These will work so many different muscles in so many different ways. You will be twisting and turning (abs, back, hips, obliques, balance), climbing (back, biceps, forearms), supporting yourself (chest, triceps, shoulders), pushing off with your legs and fee! t (quads , hamstrings, glutes, calves), and the climbing under is great for flexibility. Be creative! PLAY!

Want the ultimate fat burning playground exercise? Find a long stretch of flat surface (grass or blacktop). Stand at one end. Ready? GO!

Sprint (run as fast as you can) to the other end! It should be about 5-10 seconds worth of running. When you?re done, rest as long as you need to, and try it again. Like the stair workouts, start with a few and gradually build up to more sets.

*A 100%, all-out sprint is a VERY advanced exercise! It is only recommended for those already in good shape. If you don?t feel you fall into this category or you are unsure, make it a jog, and each set, day, or week, try to go a little faster!

*Need I remind you, these exercises are merely suggestions! Talk to a doctor before starting any exercise program!

Keep an eye out for Part 4 of the mini-course: Get Fit From Home!

Wes Norris, CSCS is a Fitness Consultant and the owner of AllAroundFitness.org based out of Connecticut.

Wes works at Hartford Hospital and trains clients, athletes, and speaks to groups on the importance of exercise for a variety of specific conditions.

He runs a fitness bootcamp, teaches for a National Personal Training certifying agency and creates and produces fitness products for Trainers and Fitness Fanatics.

Please visit his websites:



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Acne Myth Busting

Acne is a terrible condition to deal with especially during the difficult adolescent years and indeed for the many adults having to deal with it.

Today there are many ways of treating acne some more effective than others but what of the myths surrounding this awful skin condition?

One myth is that acne is related to diet but it is agreed amongst the dermatology community that acne and diet are no way related. Although science is not always 100% accurate there is no firm evidence that chocolate, sugar, oil, milk, seafood or any other types of food cause acne or make it worse. Some people are quite convinced that a certain food either causes or aggravates their acne condition. For these people the obvious thing then is to avoid that food and remove it from their diets. Chocolate has often been accused of aggravating acne but there have been many clinical studies performed and the resounding agreement is 'no', chocolate is not a culprit!

It is also believed that washing your face more often will help clear this skin affliction. But contrary to belief, blemishes are not caused by dirt and pores do not get blocked from the top down. The reality is, is that the entire pore collapses from within the skin which begins the acne process and frequent washing will do absolutely nothing in preventing this. In fact over washing can irritate and actually worsen the condition of acne. The advice given concerning the washing of the face is to wash only twice a day and do not use a flannel but use only the bare hands.

Another myth concerning acne is that stress can be a factor but regardless of this common belief, that is not true and stress is not a very important factor. Some drugs prescribed to treat severe stress may cause acne as a side effect, but stress in itself is no aggravator. Time should be spent finding help for the acne rather than feeling guilty that your stress levels are causing the problem.

Some people believe that the sun will help in ridding them of the acne s! pots and pimples. In the short term the sun may hasten the clearing of existing acne whilst reddening the skin which will then take on a reddish tone and blend in with the red acne marks. But the fact is a sun-tan is actually damaging to the skin and exposure to the sun can cause irritation which in fact will make the acne worse. The sun can only be a short-term fix which will in later weeks bite back causing more problems.

The most antiquated myth concerning acne is that masturbation or sex causes acne. This in fact dates way back to the 17th century in the hope that it would stop youngsters from having pre marital sex. Needless to say this is just a myth used as a scare tactic.

There are many treatments available to help treat acne. Some can be purchased over the counter but if the condition is more severe then a trip to the doctors will help enormously.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Do You Know What Grapes Can Help You With?

Grape Seed Antioxidant

For years, grapes have been known for their medicinal values in treating skin, kidney, and liver disease, in addition to cancer, nausea, and eye infections. Grape leaves were used to treat bleeding and inflammation, while dried grapes were used to treat constipation.

Grape seeds, known as Vitis vinifera, have been recently discovered to have the most health benefits. It contains vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, procyanidins, fatty acids, and antioxidants.

Health Benefits

Grape seed antioxidant supplements are known to be able to increase the amount of antioxidants in the body. There are certain studies which have discovered grape seeds to contain one of the best antioxidants, which can help prevent and alleviate the symptoms of certain disorders.

High Cholesterol

Grape seed antioxidants were able to help with people who have high cholesterol. A study with regard to grape seed?s effect on high cholesterol was conducted on 40 people for 2 months. They found that a combination of grape seed extract and chromium was more effective than placebo in lowering bad cholesterol.

High Blood Pressure

Grape seed antioxidants are also believed to be able to aid people with high blood pressure. In a study conducted on healthy mice, it was found that grape seed extract was able to reduce systolic blood pressure. More studies are needed, however, to prove its ability to lower blood pressure in humans.


Pancreatitis, wherein the pancreas are inflamed, are supposedly able to be remedied by grape seed antioxidants. A study made on 3 people with chronic pancreatitis found that taking grape seed extract lessened their symptoms, whereas taking conventional medication failed to do so. Further studies in order to prove this are needed, however.


Grape seed antioxidants are also able to help with cancer, as well as in preventing cell damage due to chemotherapy. Studies have been conducted wherein it was found th! at grap e seed extract prevented the growth of breast, stomach, and lung cancer cells. Again, more studies are needed in order to verify this.

Heart Health

Additionally, grape seed antioxidants are also said to have the ability to improve blood circulation, prevent the clogging of arteries, and help with certain circulatory ailments.

?Some research shows that consumption of grape seed and grape skin in combination, such as in red wine, grape juice or a commercially available vitamin supplement products, may be more beneficial than grape seed alone. Further research is needed.1?

When not to use Grape Seed

Grape seed antioxidant supplements are generally safe, but do not take it if you are allergic to grapes. Also, do not take it if you are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant.

In addition, avoid taking Grape seed antioxidants when you are also taking medications such as anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs like warfarin/heparin/clopidogrel, pain relievers, and cholesterol-lowering drugs, as it may cause bleeding.

Grape Seed Usage

The most effective grape seed extracts contain 40-80% proanthocyanidins or 90% polyphenols per dose, standardized in each and every capsule.

Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is http://www.utopiasilver.com

To go directly to this product go here: http://utopiasilver.com/products/supplements/grapeseedantioxidant.htm

All products have a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Body Basics A Pilates Newsletter More About Breathing

Being physically fit is a part of not only a healthy body but a healthy mind and spirit.

Pilates was designed to give you complete control of your own body. This is seemingly something only for athletes and dancers. Not so ? it is within anyone?s grasp and it can be attained on a daily regimen of 10 ? 20 minutes or even 4 times a week.

Control of muscles is a sense that can be developed like seeing, hearing and smelling.

Just like you use your hearing or sight, you can use your muscles and it can become just as inherent as sight or hearing. Pilates is a skill attained that not only increases the clarity and sharpness of your mind, but also your physical fitness.

That?s a pretty good deal.

The hot body tip this month is again breathing. Why again? Because it is the foundation of physical fitness.

With a fully functioning breathing system the muscles and blood are fully oxygenated, the impurities removed and the heart helped. All these work better.

Here is a little exercise: Lying down on your back, knees up, feet flat on the floor, pelvis in neutral (see Body Basics 2) and a cushion for the head and upper shoulders.

If you possess a theraband, have it under your body around your ribcage and held with one hand over your breastbone ? some tension on the band.

If you don?t have a theraband, place your hands on the sides of your ribcage.

Inhale through the nose and feel the ribcage flattening into the floor underneath you and the ribs coming out sideways away from the spine. You will feel the theraband expand or the ribs come out into your hand. Try not to lift your shoulders or upper breastbone.

Inhale through the nose until you feel no more air can go in. Then you will naturally start to exhale through the mouth ? let the ribs drop down and get as much air out as you can.

Light headedness can occur with this deep breathing but after practicing this daily it disappears.

The trick is to expand the ribs to get air in ? not the abd! ominals below.

If you have trouble keeping your abs out of the inhale, try this isolation exercise.

Breathe in ? hold your breath for a short time and push your lower abs in and out. Then exhale and use the lower abs to help push the breath out.

By all means use the lower abs to help you push the air out by flattening them across your lower belly. When you inhale though keep the expansion in the ribs.

Got it? Good. Practice it daily. The above ab isolation is directly from Joseph Pilates and here is what he says about breathing:

?It may seem silly to say at first, but many millions of people never learn how to breathe properly. True heart control follows correct breathing. This simultaneously reduces heart strain, purifies the blood and develops the lungs.?

Here are some more success stories from my clients.:

This lady has been a dancer and done Pilates before. Being too busy to write something up she told me her wins and I wrote them down.. She says with the foot work I gave her, a long standing misunderstanding about how to use her feet was resolved and as a result she feels much more stable with the ground up through her legs and in her core area because of that firm connection below. She also says that getting her to drop her breastbone and keep it down and anchored towards her mid back has provided a stable center for her shoulders to move from and she feels much more stable in that area so that a chronic shoulder condition is now releasing and starting to relax. Release exercises for the shoulder have also contributed. Her spine was also compressed opposite to her breastbone from continually and automatically lifting the breastbone creating a curve in the spine. This curve in her back has now relaxed, more mobile and the muscles are no longer locked tight. Basically she found the three stable points of the body when exercising or the three anchor points as I call them. The feet, the pelvis and the spine opposite the breastbone.

Success Story:

?I suff! ered low er back pain on and off for 30 years. My back would ?go out? from time to time to a point when I turned 50 it was going out about 4 times per year and would take several days to a week to get out of the pain band. My wife trained as a Pilates instructor a couple of years ago and at that time I started doing Pilates once or twice a week. I then got to a point where for about a month I was doing it for about 10 minutes 4 times a week which is not a whole lot of investment of my time.

Now I do it one good hour a week.

The success I have had is that my back has not gone out in over a year. The little I have done in Pilates has been enough to change my body to the point where I no longer experience the repeated back problem I once had.? G.F.

Louise Forscher is a native of New Zealand, certified as a dance instructor in London, England and certified as a Pilates instructor at Long Beach Dance Conditioning in Southern California

Website: pilates-exercise-and-equipment.com

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Cosmetic Dentistry A Closer Look?

Cosmetic dentistry has come to mean different things to different people. A big reason for this is because there are so many procedures performed in and out of the dentist's office that have been put into this category.

Of course, all cosmetic dentistry procedures must be carefully planned with expected outcomes clearly discussed but it can be a procedure as relatively simple as reshaping a few teeth.

The past few years, one of the most requested cosmetic dentistry procedures is tooth whitening. It's literally taken America by storm. Tooth whitening can be approached in a number of different ways. It simply depends on your budget and what type of results you desire.

The most cost effective method is purchasing over-the-counter products, which will normally produce acceptable results to systems using trays made from impressions of your teeth. The trays are created in a dentist's office and are used with one of several whitening (bleaching) agents. For those who want a one-shot approach, there are also a few different in-office systems that usually employ a very bright light to enhance the speed and efficacy after whitening.

Something to keep in mind is that if you are someone with dark colored or excessively grey teeth whitening may not be as effective as you would have hoped. Of course, if your teeth are like this your dentist should discuss this beforehand. In addition, if you've had a high number of fillings, crowns or other dental procedures of this type on your teeth then bleaching may not be the right option for you either. Tooth-colored bonded resin fillings and bonded porcelain fillings and crowns on the back teeth would certainly fall under the category of cosmetic dentistry.

Colored resin that matches the color of your teeth is a material that can often be bonded to areas of the front teeth. This resin can be shaped and sculpted to repair fractures of the front teeth, close spaces and reshape teeth. There are a number of advantages to this procedure. First, it ca! n usuall y be done in one visit. Two, it's conservative. Three, it can look very nice and four, it's less expensive than some other options. A few disadvantages would include the life expectancy of this process is somewhat limited (usually five to seven years). Plus, staining and discoloration occurs over time, strength is much less than with porcelain and resin bonding has esthetic limitations depending upon the size of the case.

The gold standard in restoring a beautiful smile is bonding porcelain veneers or laminates directly to teeth. Under the direction of a skilled dentist and staff (including ceramist) porcelain veneers can create incredibly beautiful and natural smiles. The advantages are unsurpassed beauty, longevity and strength. On the other hand, two disadvantages are cost (can be very expensive) and that some minimal tooth structure needs to be removed.

There are many other cosmetic dentistry options available which should be discussed with your cosmetic dentist. Of course, one of the most important elements for you is to find a dentist that has the skill, experience and aesthetic eye to give you a beautiful smile.

A great smile is an under-appreciated asset. First impressions are important in all aspects of live (personal and business) and one of the first things people see and judge when they meet someone are their eyes and smile.

Studies by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) have shown that people with attractive smiles get better jobs, are held in higher regard, normally make a better impression and in many instances make more money. But another less obvious benefit is the increase in esteem and confidence that comes with a smile you can be proud of.

It is such a freeing experience for someone who hides their smile to start smiling big and confidently.

This article may be reproduced only in its entirety.

Kevin Erickson is an entrepreneur and writer. For more of his articles visit: Teeth Whitening Baby Crib Bedding Wine Country Gift Basket! s

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Diffuse Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

Diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, or DMM, is a rare but highly aggressive type of cancer. It occurs in the thin layer of tissue, the pleura, lining the chest cavity and lungs. Once diagnosed with DMM, most patients do not survive beyond one year. This cancer is more common in men than in women, and in older people.

Most people with DMM have a history of exposure to asbestos; however, if they are not aware that such exposure occurred, they may be unaware that they are at risk. A patient with DMM typically has one or more of the following signs and symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, fever, or a cough. An x-ray usually shows that the pleural tissue around the lungs has thickened due to the development of a number of nodules or small cancerous growths. Sometimes, there may be a single large growth. When a biopsy of the cancer tissue is done, the types of cells that make up the cancer may be epithelioid, mixed, or sarcomatoid. People with epithelioid cell cancers tend to survive somewhat longer; those with sarcomatoid cancers usually have the shortest survival.

DMM is always treated as aggressively as possible. The type of treatment depends on the dominant cell type the cancer is made of, the extent of spread of the cancer, and the overall health of the person undergoing treatment. Surgery is a preferred option where the bulk of the cancer can be removed. Many anti-cancer drugs are being tried to treat DMM, with varying levels of short-term success. Radiotherapy may also be an option. A number of clinical trials are currently underway to try and find a treatment that may improve the outlook for DMM patients. However, only seven percent of people with DMM survive beyond five years.

Malignant Mesothelioma provides detailed information about malignant mesothelioma, diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, malignant mesothelioma diagnosis, malignant mesothelioma lawyer and more. Malignant Mesothelioma is the sister site of Peritonea! l Mesoth elioma Lawyers.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Conquer Those Carbohydrate Cravings

Are you a hopeless carbohydrate addict? Let?s conquer these cravings once and for all?..

I drove over to my parents home the a few weeks ago for dinner. I arrived early, and asked my mother if I could help her finish preparing dinner. The smell of mom?s pot roast in the oven really got my mouth watering and I couldn?t wait for dinner.

She sent me to the pantry to retrieve some honey, I opened the pantry and was amazed at what I saw. Of course their was the standard pantry fare, but many other items were lurking in that pantry. Here were a few: crackers, cookies, potato chips, tortilla chips, oatmeal cr?me pies, white bread, sun chips, frosted corn flake cereal, pop tarts, and popcorn. No kidding, these were all in her pantry.

I asked my mother if she ate these items often. She said, ?Yes, I?m hungry all the time so I just snack on the stuff all day?. She said she eats three meals a day, but gets hungry so she snacks on crackers, chips, etc., then an hour or so later she is hungry again, so she eats more snacks.

The carbohydrate frenzy- trigger foods

Eating the fore mentioned types of carbohydrates all day will make anyone hungry and crave food every hour or so. You see, eating these types of snacks causes our blood sugar to spike and fall very rapidly, triggering our body to crave more food all day long. It?s a viscous cycle with no end. This type of cycle not only sets up our body for weight gain but the possibility of diabetes and a whole host health problems.

How to conquer these carb cravings once and for all

By reading this article I know you are motivated enough to stop these cravings for good. Here are some free tips to get you on your way to healthy eating and craving free!

1. Eat three balanced (protein, carbohydrate, fat) meals a day plus two healthy snacks. This stabilizes blood sugar, reduces cravings, turbo charges your metabolism (your body will naturally burn more calories), and helps you with weight loss.

2. Spend some time in your ! pantry a nd even your refrigerator. Pitch all the cookies, crackers, white bread, chips, store bought fruit juices, etc.. These foods have no nutritional value, only empty calories that will no doubt cause you to gain crave more foods and gain weight faster.

3. Eat healthy snacks such as protein shakes, nuts, fruit, veggies with dip, etc. At each snack eat a small portion of protein, carbohydrate and fat. These healthy foods have a positive impact on your body. They give your body vital nutrients, and most importantly, stop the cravings. You?ll feel better, and won?t be as tired during the day.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Limit your amount of caffeine. I know, I sure love drinking a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. If you are a caffeine addict, meaning you drink three cups or more of caffeine a day, try to cut it back to one or two. As far as cravings go, caffeine sure gives our bodies a jolt and can make us feel good and even more alert, but after that initial jolt and you ?come back down? your body will either crave more caffeine or carbohydrates.

6. The ultimate goal is to eat healthy foods, which in turn give our bodies proper nutrition, which in turn makes us feel better. But this can take time. If you are used to eating junk food, and always craving food, don?t worry. Start out slow if you have to. Your body will take time to adjust to a new way of eating. You may even feel lousy for a few days or even a week, while your body adjusts to the healthy foods. But in the end, you will feel great!

? Jeff Lugeanbeal - All rights reserved

About The Author

Jeff Lugeanbeal- Sought after Health and fitness professional, motivational and nutritional coach, is a recognized authority On the subject of weight loss. His Web site, www.worldwideweightloss.com provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'd ever need to know about permanent, natural fat loss and will help you achieve the body you?ve always wanted.

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Vitamin B5 For Acne Is It A Good Thing?

Taking supplemental vitamins for acne to help fight acne is not a new idea. Many people are lacking in the necessary vitamins to maintain a happy, healthy body - and that includes the skin!

Your skin is your body's largest organ. It requires a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals to look and feel it's best. Vitamins A, C, E, K and vitamin B complex as well as minerals such as zinc, chromium and selenium are all necessary. However, in today's 'fast world' inadequate eating habits are the leading cause of vitamin deficiencies. To compensate, you may choose to add a quality multivitamin to your diet.

One of the most beneficial vitamins for treating acne is claimed to be the vitamin B group and in particular, vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B5 for acne is causing quite a stir throughout the Internet, There are many web sites competing for your attention. Some claim that mega doses of vitamin B5 will completely eradicate all traces of your acne while others claim that such B5 doses are totally useless and even dangerous.

Who do you believe?

A regiment of vitamin B5 to treat acne is claimed to be second only to treatments based on vitamin A such as Accutane? - but much safer. Accutane? is very effective because it shuts down oil producing glands that cause acne, however, a list of side-effect have created 'bad press' for Accutane?. B5 on the other hand, is suppose to be effective and safe because it increases your body's ability to metabolize oil rather than to stop oil production altogether.

B5 is an essential vitamin and can be found in our everyday diets. Foods such as eggs, yeast, whole-wheat, broccoli and red meat all contain vitamin B5. There is no proof to indicate that taking large doses of B5 to treat acne are dangerous - only opinions.

Programs that suggest mega doses of up to 10 grams or more of B5 each day may be unnecessary. Since vitamins B5 is water-soluble, much of it would be flushed from your system before your body could absor! b what i t needed. That may be why as many as 20 tablets a day are recommended. Some may find that very hard to swallow!

A program that offers time-released vitamins for acne may be the answer. A lower dose of 2 to 3 grams of vitamin B5 each day, time-released to allow your body to absorb it makes sense. Why take 20 tablets when you can get the same results with 4 to 6? It is much cheaper too!

In the end, the decision to use vitamins for acne treatment will be yours. Supplementing a poor diet with multivitamins will certainly help to improve your skin and your over-all health. Additional vitamin B5, if used sensibly, promises a safe, natural and effective solution to your acne.

Cindy English publishes informative articles and product reviews of today's most popular acne treatments.

Visit the Acne Skin Care Guide. It's the first step to a clearer complexion and greater self-esteem!

? Copyright 2006 by Cindy English

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 1 ความคิดเห็น

Weight Loss Workout Routine Benefits

Is a weight loss workout routine right for you? Answer the following questions to find out. Do you feel sluggish at the end of the day? Do you feel tired and stiff after a long day at work? Are you stressed out most of the time?

Too many days without adequate exercise, rest and fresh air can leave you feeling as tired on the inside as weak muscles feel on the outside. If you suffer from this kind of fatigue, try a weight loss workout routine and increase your whole body's energy level.

If you want to shed extra pounds and tighten muscles, a weight loss workout routine, that combines a cardio workout and strength training, is perfect for you.

It could be just what the doctor ordered for extra energy, increased metabolism, and the feel good endorphins your body produces after exercise. Want to feel good all day? A weight loss workout routine is the way to do it.

It is easier than you think to achieve these extra benefits, and the best part is, you can do it at home. With a few pieces of quality home gym equipment, like a treadmill or an elliptical exerciser, you could soon be seeing your muscles tone, your energy level boost, and your moods get much better.

Studies show that working out regularly reduces stress and helps you to handle adversity better. You'll feel boosts in important neural chemicals all day long if you start home workouts like a treadmill workout program.

As you add strength training to your routine, you will see more fit muscles and longer, leaner body lines. This part of the weight loss workout routine will speed up your metabolism and increase your body's ability to burn fat long after your workout.

A cardio workout routine followed by strength training helps your muscles metabolize the lactic acid that causes the burn and ache after a workout. These kinds of workouts are excellent for burning excess body fat. If you are looking for increased energy and decreased stress, a weight loss workout routine is the perfect choice for yo! u.

Copyright ? 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by http://www.treadmill-info.com where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles1.html

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Finally Natural Weight Loss Availalble Judge Lifts Ban on Ephedra

April 14, 2005 federal judge Tena Campbell of the federal district court in Salt Lake City Utah reversed the ban on ephedra.

Ephedra is an herb used over 5000 years ago to treat several disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis. Because ephedra has the ability to increase metabolism, and burn fat it became a popular ingredient used in diet pills.

About 12 to 17 million people consumed ephedra in 1999, reports the American Herbal Products Association. The Nutrition Business Journal estimated that sales of ephedra in 2002 were $1.25 billion.

Ephedra is so powerful its safety was questioned, the FDA removed ephedra also known by its chinese name Ma-huang from the market in April 2004, claiming that it was responsible for dozens of deaths.

The ban on ephedra didn't affect the sale of over-the-counter cold medications such as decongestants which often contain ephedrine in synthetic form.

Judge Campbell states that drug agencies had failed to prove that ephedra at low doses was dangerous, and that it lacked the authority to ban the substance without such proof. She called for the FDA to lift the ban on ephedra.

The US ban on ephedra was lifted, among other things the court clarified that the FDA must follow the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), and can not treat dietary supplements like drugs or medical devices.

According to the court low doses of ephedra do not pose significant or unreasonable risk by a preponderance of the evidence. Companies that sell ephedra based products are allowed to resume selling whole herb ephedra products with no more than 10mg of naturally occurring ephedrine alkaloids.

Joe is an affiliate of Marqi Fitness Group, get more information at http://www.ephedraedge.com.

Joe is an avid fitness person who enjoys playing tennis and running.

วันพุธที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Chronotherapy Helps Lung Cancer Patient on the Road to Recovery

Margaret Olszowka was diagnosed with lung cancer on New Year's Eve, 2002. The prognosis was very grim: her disease had advanced to Stage 4 and was inoperable. Doctors at a very well known university hospital told her there was nothing they could do for her. They didn't even offer chemotherapy as an option; she was told she had months to live. However, instead of giving up, she decided she was going to fight the disease, and ultimately found her way to cancer specialist, Keith Block, MD, where she received chronotherapy as part of her treatment plan. Today, she is doing very well and enjoying her two children and six grandchildren. She wants the world to know about the role chronotherapy played in her survival in the hopes of helping other cancer patients.

What is chronotherapy?

Chronotherapy takes into account how our body's natural rhythms' impact our ability to process medications. Patterns like sleeping, menstrual cycles, even our physical response to the changing seasons, are different for everyone. In the old days we called these biorhythms. Today, doctors are finding that understanding a patient?s biorhythms, and coordinating the timing of their medical treatments to these biorhythms, can profoundly affect the outcome of their treatments. This is called chronotherapy.

?Every drug has an optimal time when it is least toxic and most effective. says Keith Block, MD, editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal Integrative Cancer Therapies, and Clinical Professor, Department of Medical Education, at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago (UIC), and at the Department of Pharmacology. For cancer treatment, this is determined by several factors, including the biological uniqueness of the particular drug being given, the time when the specific type of cancer cells divide the most, when the normal healthy cells of the patient generally divide the least, the patient?s circadian clock and individual rest-activity cycles, and even the time zone the person resides in.


Accor ding to Dr. Michael Smolensky, co-author of the book The Body Clock Guide to Better Health, When cancer medications are given in a chronobiological manner, patients may be able to tolerate higher, more potent doses than would be possible otherwise.

?This method of administering chemotherapy is revolutionary and has demonstrated in large randomized trials its potential to improve survival,? states Dr. Block. ?We have found that often patients receiving chronotherapy reduce what would have been recurring side effects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. This is important because the debilitation caused by chemo can cause patients to reduce or even stop treatments that could otherwise help them win their battle with cancer.?

Chronotherapy is being widely researched around the world:

There are over 62,000 references in PubMed (the National Institute of Health?s archive of biomedical and life sciences journal articles) about chronobiology (how biology is affected by timing) and over 500 scientific articles specifically about chronotherapy. The National Cancer Institute's Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) devoted an entire web cast for doctors on chronotherapy.

So why isn?t chronotherapy used more widely?

One of the main problems has been logistics ? figuring out how to deliver chemotherapy in exactly timed doses. ?Portable infusion pumps may hold the answer,? explains Gerald Sokol, MD, an oncologist with the division of oncology in FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

Dr. Block has brought technology to the U.S. that administers chemotherapy via a pump designed to precisely time up to four channels of infusion simultaneously to the individual needs of a patient. Highly portable and small enough to fit in a fanny pack, patients are able to maintain full mobility, play sports, and enjoy a full night's sleep ? while receiving their specifically timed cancer therapy.

Leni Kass has been writing and editing articles for various! media o utlets for the past 8 years. She is cofounder and CEO of Hey U.G.L.Y., Inc. NFP, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that empowers teens with self-esteem building tools, to help them counter challenges such as eating disorders, bullying, violence, substance abuse and suicide. U.G.L.Y. is an acronym that stands for Unique Gifted Lovable You. Website: http://www.heyugly.org

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Tweezing Hair Removal: The Temporary Method of Plucking and Tweezing

Tweezing refers to removing hairs with an instrument like a pair of tweezers or forceps. It is also sometimes referred to as plucking.

Hair tweezing is sometimes used to deal with unwanted eyebrow hair and some facial hair although clearly precautions need to be taken before you start pulling hairs out from such visible and sensitive areas!

While hair tweezing can help you temporarily remove individual hairs, it is a very limited hair removal option since larger areas cannot effectively be cleared.

While tweezing is a cheap method of temporary hair removal since it just involves buying a pair of tweezers, it remains a temporary method of hair removal with limitations.

Certainly, pulling hairs out individually can be time consuming and painful and could result in ingrown hairs if it's done improperly.

When it comes to hair tweezing, before you pick up a pair of tweezers and start pulling out hairs, you're best to consider exactly what hair you want removed and whether or not hair tweezing is the best method to achieve it.

Also, before you start tweezing consider whether or not you may choose laser or light hair removal treatment in the near future.

A laser or light system hair removal practitioner may tell you to avoid tweezing and using other hair removal options before any laser or light treatment you schedule.

If in doubt, consult a professional.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit http://www.PermanentHairRemovalTips.com.

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Yoga and True Self

The great sage Patanjali in his work Yogasutra codified all yogic knowledge and practices which prevailed in ancient India in the form of aphorisms. He defined Yoga in a simple way as - controlling of thoughts arising in the mind(I.2). The nature or work of mind is to think or desire always. As waves are generated along the seashore, so thoughts are generated in the mind incessantly. In order to fulfill these desires man acts relentlessly. When thoughts are controlled or prevented, the outwardly moving mind turns inwards. The sphere of the activities of mind contracts and mind comes to the center. At the center of mind lies the true self or soul(atman).

True self or soul is the source of life and consciousness in all living beings. In fact soul, life and consciousness are one and the same and constitute the only truth in the whole universe. The Upanishads which contain the spiritual cream of Indian Philosophy, describe that soul(atman) is Brahman, the ultimate Reality. World is not different from being, being is not different from Atman and Atman is not different from Brahman.

When thoughts in the mind are controlled, Yogasutra describes - the the seer rests in his true self(I.3). When all thoughts cease to exist, mind becomes pure conscious. As water is purified through filtration, so mind is purified by controlling thoughts. The pure conscious mind is the true self of a being. So through the practice of Yoga one regains one's true self and nothing else.

Everything has a true self or true nature. The nature of sugar is to give sweetness, the nature of water is to give coolness and the nature of fire is to give heat. When a piece of gold is purified bu burning, it does not change over to any other thing, but becomes pure gold. Only a pure gold is appreciated and is more valuable. Similarly when the mind attains purity, it does not change over to any other thing or merge with something. When mind is pure conscious, it is pure bliss. The real nature of a being is its blissful state. In! order t o achieve this blissful state people of all religions wander here and there in search of God.

Religious people concieve of a God who is a divine being residing in heaven. This concept and imagination is only the reflection of true self. Heaven is the heart of a being and God is the true self. It is the true self or soul that impells an individual to seek for God. After long searches here and there, one returns to one's true self and realises Gog within.

So the aim of Yoga is to realise this true self or God. Such a God is only real and existent. He gives life and consciousness to all beings. All worlds, all beings and all souls are one and the same. This is the ultimate Truth or Reality.

The author Premansu Chand is an Indian who practices Patanjali Yoga in its purest form. He has published his first book Quest for Truth: the spiritual and yogic way recently. More information relating to spiritualism and yoga can be received from this book.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Stabilizing the Core to Eliminate LowBack Pain Part 1

This is the first article of a series of articles to follow. In this article I will be addressing one of the main core stabilizing muscles of the lumbar spine and its role in back pain, as well as specific exercises that should be performed to prevent and recover faster from your back pain. You should make these exercises part of your everyday routine, just like brushing your teeth.

Words of wisdom before performing these exercises:

? Consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program or if you're experiencing radiating pain.

? Don't stop your exercise program just because your back feels better. Continue exercising to keep your back pain from returning.

? Where most rehabilitation programs fail is in the selection and repetitions they prescribe to their patients. People with weak back muscles should not only strengthen these muscles but should concentrate on building muscle endurance since these muscles are at work all day long.

? Consider working with a Muscle Activation Technique Therapist to identify and correct muscular imbalances and to make sure all muscles are functioning properly.

Core Stabilizer:

Transverse Abdominal (TVA) is a very important stabilizer of the low-back. It is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and the only one that runs horizontal. It activates prior to the muscles of the hips and thorax. When contracted it flattens the abdominal wall and compresses the viscera. The TVA is required for all integrated movements. If the TVA is weak it will allow bulging of the anterior abdominal wall increasing lordosis in the low-back and will also create a lateral bulge in (forward bending) or extension (back bending).

Researchers used EMG activity to identify the timing of the TVA and the multifidus contraction, compared to other abdominal muscles, during movement of the upper limbs in response to visual stimuli. They found that, in subjects without lower back pain, the first active muscle was the transverse abdominis contracting p! rior to the upper limb. The model they developed identified a consistent dysfunction of transverse abdominis in people with low-back pain.

Isometric Exercises Explained:

Before we get into the specific exercises for the TVA I would like to explain why isometric exercises are so important.

In order to activate the TVA muscle fibers or any other muscle for that matter, a weak muscle must first be jump started using MAT Therapy or by using isometric exercises before you can strengthen it through exercise. If a weak muscle is not first jump started, then the body is forced to compensate and use other muscles to perform the desired movement.

Isometric exercises solve several problems that Rehab programs and weight lifting activities do not solve:

Problem #1: A weak muscle will not contract with most strengthening exercises because dominant muscles will compensate for weak muscles.

Problem #2: When the body senses instability in the joint, it will tighten up to protect the joint. Stretching a tight muscle will only create a temporary release and could result in a more vulnerable joint.

Problem #3: Muscle imbalances may occur through repetitive use of the same muscle, or through injury, causing the body to go into protective mode.

When performing isometric exercise contractions, the contraction should be held for 6 seconds and repeated 6 times. This allows time for peek tension to develop and metabolic changes to occur in the muscle. The muscle should be placed in its shorthend position. In this position the muscle is at its weakest. The intensity of each isometric contraction should increase. By the 6th contraction, greater range of motion and neural input should occur. For more information on isometric exercises visit www.sports-injury-solutions.com

Exercises for the TVA

? This exercise is critical in re-estabilishing good communication between the brain and the key stabilizer muscles (TVA). Progressing to advanced abdominal exercises when your body is not p! repared will only magnify muscular imbalances that can cause injury and pain.

? Lie on your back and cross your left leg over right leg. Your left heel should be next to the right knee. Rotate right approx 30 degrees your left hip will come off the ground several inches. Push knee into the ball or wall 6 times for 6 seconds. Start lightly and increase pressure each time. If you feel cramping in the inner thigh you are pressing too hard. This exercise will activate the TVA and should be followed up by regular abdominal exercises.

Richard Lauro is a Certified Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) therapist and one of the industries top fitness experts. The Owner of Fitness Solutions Inc.; Resistance Training Specialist; (AAHFRP) Medical Exercise And Post Rehab Specialist; American Council on Exercise; Idea Member - International Fitness Professionals Organization; Health and Fitness Writer for the Community Voice Newspaper. 13 years experience in the Health and Fitness field. To learn more about MAT Techniques and how to prevent and recover faster from your sports injury visit http://www.sports-injury-solutions.com or call 540-840-3208 to get your FREE REPORT The Secret To Eliminating Muscle and Joint Pain.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

My Mythical Journey to Gourmet Tea Bags

Whether it is the cancer fighting abilities, the immune system strengthening, the weight loss assisting, the headache relieving, or any of the other superhero capabilities possessed by this beverage, drinking tea is beneficial to your health. Though the actual level of increased health benefits may be in question, there are very few who will refute the statement, ?It is a good idea to drink tea.?

There is nothing new to that statement. And in regards to other blurbs surrounding the quote, there is a general consensus that teas such as Jasmine Green Tea, and Rooibos tea contains Anti oxidants that help fight dangerous free radicals in our bodies that can cause cancer and prematurely age our skin. And there are standard tea bags on the market, and there is a small selection of gourmet tea bags, that for one reason or another are gourmet.

So if all of this is at least somewhat true, then the next question might be, how can I let this information best help me (with as little disruption to my life as possible). To find the answer to this, I began walking down the main street of Tea Town, USA.

Upon first arrival, I ran into a couple muses who promised a pretty package and a sweet taste. I was interested in drinking tea, and the description was intriguing. Perhaps only a sailor to these sirens, I listened to their song. My footsteps were stopped as I enjoyed a cup?Such exotic names, and a mesmerizing color, I remained stunned and unaware.

But as a drought hit, the buzz subsided, and my eyes wandered to the horizon. Though not completely sure what the future would hold, I was confident it was better than where I was. Forward, I moved on.

As I continued on, I found I was in a City with a solid infrastructure. Big buildings with even bigger names thoroughly saturating a market. I could not deny their unavoidable shadow, so I decided to venture in. Though an undeniable corporate presence, I could not shake the feeling that there was something missing. As I walked in, I k! ept my e yes open, ready for any ghosts there may be. With my first step, I found myself in darkness. My only knowledge of my location was what was told to me. I thought I was where I wanted to be, drinking tea (plus the tea bags had a nice smell ).

But as I decided to stay, the weather became stormy, as a harsh and bitter taste was left in my mouth. I began looking for a light. Down a side alley I viewed a small window, allowing in rays from the now rising sun. Onward I pushed. As I slowly moved closer, the darkness began to fade revealing the truths about my surroundings?.Nothing but Dust.

Though at first I was not phased by the discovery, the seed was planted as I sat by the window soaking in the light. And as another storm began, the rains soon followed, conceiving the birth of a tree. As this tree quickly grew, the foundation was cracked, exposing the inside to the sun. With the revealing of the light, so to did the site of leaves covering dust? And as I looked at this, I remembered where I was, Tea Town, USA.

I quickly dusted myself off, and ran for the hills, arriving in a field of green. Finally, I was where I wanted to be. This green world of tea, a plateau hidden from time.

All was fine until one day I began to wander and wonder as I a questioned the distance of the fields. I explored down towards the valley, and I started to notice a change in the color as I entered into a small town neighboring my new village.

High quality teas were not just whole green leaves, but also Red Bush teas, and black teas, and aged teas, white teas, floral teas. I had found my balance. A mixture of high quality teas of different colors and tastes. And as I remained, and lived in peace, it was in this small town where I found the answer to my original question; how can I let my knowledge of tea best help me (with as little disruption to my life as possible). The answer was found in this small corner of the globe. A Tea Bag that contained the high quality tea I found to be the! best. With this Classic looking bag, I had finally found my choice. The Gourmet Tea Bags are easy to use, easy to clean, and most importantly provide an increased level of health benefits?

Along with writing, David Giusti is the owner of Sabaidi Tea Co., Ltd., a company that exports Handmade Gourmet Tea Bags and Guft boxes and other specialties from bangkok, Thailand. You can read more on the company's home page at http://www.Sabaidi.net

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Toxic Effects & Side Effects of Isolated Vitamins

Vitamins are PARTS of foods, but they are NOT foods. Foods contain vitamins, but vitamins NEVER contain nutrient complexes (synergistic biochemicals). And, NO vitamin is really ?natural? once it has been REMOVED from its original food source.

Several supplement companies confuse this issue further by claiming that their products are ?whole foods? whey they are actually mixtures of foods and isolates (isolated component of an extracted nutrient). This is deceptive and forces one to really dig into labels to discern food from isolated chemicals.

It is critical to understand not just individual isolates but how vitamins interact and interrelate with other biochemicals found alongside one another within whole food complexes. There are many critically important nutrients, substances, and properties within foods that are just as important as vitamins. These elements help vitamins provide their beneficial effects. Without these other food substances vitamins are used pharmacologically, like drugs.

We cannot subsist on isolated vitamins without the other nutrients provided in nature?s foods.

What are Vitamins?
Vitamins are ?biological complexes, bundles of enzymes and trace minerals, biological wheels within wheels. Vitamins in isolation are no longer vitamins but merely extracts. Vitamins fail to fully function when derived.

The origins of the isolates began with chemists? synthetic isolation of a single element uncombined with its biological matrix. The discovery of the vitamin coincided with the boom in industry, agriculture, and pharmaceutical chemistry. This has been an ongoing attempt to manufacture a better than natural food by extracting just what we ?need? and leaving the rest behind.

There are many side effects owing to isolated and synthetic vitamins. A more detailed analysis may be found in my book Man Cannot Live on Vitamins Alone, but here are a few examples:

Vitamin A: Acute intake of extremely high doses of vitamin A (>200,000mg RE in adults) can c! ause nau sea, vomiting, headache, and increased cebrospinal pressure. Symptoms are generally transient. Chronic high intakes (e.g. >10x RDA) can cause hair loss, bone and muscle pain, headache, liver damage, and increased blood lipid concentrations. A particular danger in pregnant women is teratogenesis (birth defects). As vitamin A is fat soluble and can be stored in the liver for long periods of time, it has a high potential for toxicity.

Vitamin B1 Thiamine: The symptoms of thiamin overdosing are similar to those of hyperthyroidism: 1. fast pulse; 2. irritability; 3. tremors; 4. weakness. Twenty to forty milligrams should not be used except in deficiency cases.

Vitamin B3 Niacin: Toxicity will be achieved through large doses of nicotinic acid given to lower cholesterol may product flushing of the skin, hyperuricemia, and hepatic abnormalities. These effects are reversed if the drug is reduced in amount or discontinued.

Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine: Excessive acute or chronic exposure to vitamin B-6 can be neurotoxic. It appears that in most individuals oral intakes of less than 500 mg/day can be tolerated. Larger intakes should be avoided. Because individuals may vary in their susceptibility to toxicity, a physician should monitor intakes in excess of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA).

Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid: High doses of vitamin C may alter cooper metabolism and lead to deficiency states. In a study published in the April 9 issue of Nature, Dr. Ian Podman and colleagues from the University of Leicester in England found that vitamin C intake, at levels greater than 500 mg/day may not be advisable. These researchers studied 30 healthy individuals who were given doses of 500 mg/day for a period of 6 weeks. Results showed oxidative damage at the cellular level even after excess vitamin C was excreted. The authors of this study conclude that high doses of vitamin C may be doing damage to cells as well.

Back to Common Sense & Science
The human body is not an artificial creation, an! d theref ore should not be fed artificially created and enhanced substances such as isolated vitamins. You can find whole food nutrition at Nutritional-Life where real foods, grown in nature, balanced by millennia of evolution, and complex in their structures, are the perfect match for our bodies. Scientifically speaking, we are designed to consume these foods because they are natural, whole, balanced, and complex. Nothing can replace food nutrients in their ability to sustain life without causing unpredictable side effects.

Dr Shayne is a foremost authority in the area of whole food nutrition. He has found a direct connection between health and nutrition and has studied the effects of extracts and isolates, typically labeled vitamins and minerals. He is Chief Scientific Advisor and Lead Consultant for Nutritional Life and developer of a full line of whole food nutrition (NutriPlex Formulas). In addition, Dr Shayne has published over 5 books and is working on another book at this time.

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

Stress Relief Provided by Herbal Medicine

Chances are, you may not know about the use of herbal medicine to provide stress relief.

We certainly can?t blame if you don?t. Herbal medicine, after all, is still trying to gain its former popularity and so many people are still in doubt of its efficacy and prefer to use prescription medicine instead. But you see, if you take the time to check historical texts, the use of herbal medicine can date back as far as 5,000 years ago! The efficacy of herbal medicine, therefore, should not be in doubt anymore since it?s supported by five millennia worth of proof.

Before we give you an example of herbal medicine that can provide stress relief, however, we shall give you a little bit of dos and don?ts on the subject of herbal medicine to ensure safety and proper use.

Do consult your doctor first before taking any herbal medicine to fight stress or for whatever reason. Self-medication is never good and it can bring you a lot of complications that could have easily been avoided if you had only asked your doctor about your chosen type of medication.

When consulting your doctor, do bring a sample of your herbal medicine so he?ll be able to analyze whether it?s real and of good quality. To safeguard yourself from cheap herbal medicine imitations, always buy from any herbal medicine store of good and long standing reputation. These stores may even offer money back guarantee and of course, that wouldn?t hurt at all.

Your doctor may also make you aware if there would be any possible negative reactions if and when you do take a particular herbal medicine. That doesn?t mean you can?t take herbal medicine anymore to gain provide relief; it simply means that you?re just not able to take that particular herbal medicine and you have to search for another.

Lastly, if you?re already taking prescription medicine, you truly need to visit your doctor before taking herbal medicine as well because there are instances when a combination of both can result to unwanted complications.

And now! for an example of herbal medicine that can provide stress relief:

Catnips ? One of the most common symptoms of stress are diarrhea, increased or loss of appetite and anxiety. If these are stress symptoms that trouble you most, this herbal medicine is definitely what you need because it nurtures the stomach and nerves.

Kada Kava ? This herbal medicine can provide stress relief by vanquishing symptoms like insomnia (typical of workaholics who love to do overtime) and anxiety (typical of workaholics who have high pressure jobs).

Grace Palce is writing articles about stress relief on her site about natural medicine.

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Popular Hairstyles in Early 20th Century America

The range of hairstyles available to women began to expand as the world entered a new century in 1900. The Victorian Age was drawing to a close, the automobile was emerging, giving people much more mobility, and a general sense of unlimited possibilities pervaded society. All of this gave a new impetus to creating hairstyles that expressed a more open and optimistic feeling.

1900-1910 Hairstyles ? Time of Transition

This decade saw a transition in hairstyles, from the more confined styles of the Victorian era to looser, fuller hairstyles. Curiously, both long and short styles were popular, with longer, free-flowing hair slowly gaining more converts as the decade progressed. Volume was the theme that ran through most of the popular hairstyles, regardless of hair length. Longer hairstyles featured hair parted in the middle (with a noticeable part), and long wavy tresses hanging below the shoulders. Shorter hairstyles generally began around the ears and ?poofed? up over the head in several updo styles, often held in place with barrettes and adorned with bows, or large, wide hats.

1910-1920 Hairstyles ? Waves & Accessories

As the 1900s moved into the 1910s, hairstyles started off with an emphasis on long hair that was either pinned up in elaborate updos, or made wavy and flowing. Hats and bows were increasingly popular accessories. Nevertheless, in the mid-1910?s, a sea change occurred that would affect women?s hairstyles for years to come. This was the short bob haircut.

As these very short styles caught on and swept America, the range of elegant hairstyles for formal events and nights out on the town diminished. The focus shifted to what women put in their hair. The most popular accessory was a headband, often adorned with fancy beads and stitch-work designs. One hairstyle that gained a lot of popularity (and some notoriety) was called ?curtain hair.? This entailed parting short hairstyles down the middle, then letting the hair fall across a headband worn aroun! d the mi ddle of the head, just above the ears. For more elegant hairstyles, women often constructed ringlet curls all along the headband, or added jeweled pins.

1920-1930 Hairstyles ? Footloose & Fancy Free

The 1920s was a decade of huge societal changes in America. Women got the right to vote, a world war had just ended, hard liquor was banned, and the economy was booming as industry titans emerged. A unique time in the history of hairstyles, the 1920s saw the birth of the ?Flapper? era, highlighted by women with very short hair, bold new fashions, and a carefree attitude.

First noticed on famous ballroom dancer, Irene Castle, the ?Castle bob? swept the nation in the late 1910s and early 20s. Variations sprang up as the 1920s progressed, a result of women who began feeling their wild oats and experimenting with newfound freedoms of expression.

Formal hairstyles in the 1920s were often limited by the extremely short styles that were so popular then. To make up for this limitation, many women chose to wear wide-brimmed hats with elegant designs and bands. They wore their hair in very simple styles as a result. When a hat was not practical for a particular formal event, women often used curls and mini-updos to accentuate hairstyles that were crafted from rather plain-looking everyday styles.

The times always have an effect on fashions and hairstyles, regardless of the era. In just three decades, from 1900-1930, America went from very conservative styles as the Victorian era was ending, to the wild-eyed, carefree days of short Flapper hairstyles. All of which proves that it?s impossible to look at current hairstyles and fashion trends and make anything more than a wild guess as to where things will be in a few years. We?ll just have to wait and watch.

? John Schwartz http://www.1-hair-styles.com (all rights reserved)

John Schwartz is a professional writer and web site publisher. For more information about popular hair styles and beauty tips, visit his site at htt! p://www. 1-hair-styles.com today.

วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551 | | 0 ความคิดเห็น

An Analysis of Wellness Protocols in the United States

There are four situations that affect wellness in the United States.

? Bad luck (if you were ever healthy, it has nothing to do with your state of health.)
? Infection (virus, bacteria, fungi or parasite.)
? Injury or accident.
? Degenerative disease (the gradual decline of your overall feeling of wellbeing.)

Sickness is not the normal state for the body. The body would rather be healthy and, it is fully capable of achieving and maintaining the preferred state ? healthy.

People Should be Concerned When they Experience a Decline in their Wellbeing.

Many people do not know they have an option - accepting decline as part of aging.

Other people expect someone else to be responsible.

? Experience the elation that a little piece of paper can be exchanged at the pharmacy for something to fix their complaint.
? Accept the bothersome and sometimes dangerous side effects.
? Make a rest-of-their-life commitment to the little piece of paper.
? Experience the disappointment when nothing changes or something else pops up.
? Repeat the cycle, over, over and over until all of the little pieces of paper are taking control of their lives.
? Accept the hopelessness of more little pieces of paper and declining health.

Some people know they have an option.
? Accept the responsibility for their own wellbeing.
? Recognize it is easier to invest in health than to pay for illness.
? Accept that in order to change the way things are ? they need to change some of the things they do.
? Become confident that, given the proper nutrients, care and enough time, the body can and will repair itself.
? Make reasonable choices that help them experience the joy of health.

There are Simple Ways to Understand These Choices.

The first approach is doing nothing. This approach accepts the decline in wellbeing as inevitable, condemning sufferers for the remainder of their life. Frankly, not a very appealing prospect.

The second appro! ach is r eactive. This approach is effective when there is a definitive cause ? a beginning and an end. It involves someone asking the question: What brings you in today?. Depending on your answer, you will receive a service. In the case of certain infections, injury or accident the intervention stops the decline attributable to the complaint which provides the body the time it needs to react to the situation.

?It isn?t the gun shot that kills you, it is your body?s inability to react to the change of circumstance.? best describes this approach. E.R. personnel stop the bleeding, stabilize the victim, then wait for the damage to heal.

Ideally, the reactive approach should have a beginning and an end. Kill a bacteria with an antibiotic ? wait for the body to heal. Repair an injury ? wait for the body to heal. Suture the wound ? wait for the body to heal.

When the cause is less clear, the reactive approach addresses the complaint - it becomes an intervention without an end. This limitation of the reactive approach contributes to frustration and a sense of hopelessness that many people experience when they are trapped in the reactive approach.

The third approach is proactive.

This approach is grounded in a tenet that the human body requires a modicum of care and nutrition to produce or replace the things that sustain it; that deficiencies in the nutritional complex contribute to a gradual decline in general function, the integrity of substances, structures and tissues that are being produced or replaced. Further, besides the general malaise, this decline negatively affects the body?s ability to respond to incidental circumstances such as infection, accidents and injury.

The proactive approach may be effective prophylactically, to sustain the healthy body, when there is no satisfactory finding of a definitive cause or when the reactive approach presents an unsatisfactory outcome. The subject examines past circumstances, various daily actions and choices that may be affecting overall! wellbei ng, making appropriate changes to address the impediments while creating a protocol to change the unsatisfactory outcome. Many subjects find this approach to be hopeful because of their positive involvement in the process and the experiential outcomes. Others, unfortunately, are overwhelmed with the responsibility.

Sadly, the cost of insurance premiums is expanding the number of people who choose to do nothing. In the end, this will certainly exacerbate the consequences of neglect and elevate the level of profound intervention.

The Medical Establishment prefers that people elect to follow the status quo ? accept the reactive approach as the means to address their issues of wellbeing. National attention, focusing on the dangers and recalls of several mainstay drugs, has the public examining the wisdom of total reliance on the reactive approach to health and frankly, questioning the wisdom of that reliance.

The sensibility of proactive approach for wellbeing offers a real alternative. It provides those who cannot afford the price of admission for the reactive approach an affordable means to address wellbeing. Also, it offers people who have become frustrated and disenchanted or other people who elect to take control of their own destiny, the opportunity to make a positive contribution to their wellbeing.

Written by Frank A. Lucas The author is the Founder and President of NUPRO and The Radiant Health Club. The Club is dedicated to the millions of people who have or will accept the responsibility for their own wellbeing. Relying on publications, scientific research and documented historical uses, The Radiant Health Club provides its members with a fast, easy way to right their bodies supported by affordable, effective nutraceutical supplements to help achieve member objectives.

Submitted by John Jarvis


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How To Be Your Doctor's Favorite Patient

First of all, let me explain something in case you don?t already know. The more your doctor and his staff like you, the better service you will receive. It?s just a plain fact and human nature. Most doctors are swamped with patients and have to make choices when appointing patients to their schedule. So how do you get the only appointment left on next Tuesday, your day off?

Asking for an appointment: Make or break the relationship. Depending upon how large the practice is, there is probably one person designated to make appointments and is most likely a woman or young adult. This position is one of the lowest paid in the practice, so keep that in mind when talking to them and boost their ego at every chance.

?Don?t tell them you have to get in this week because you are going on a cruise or exotic trip next week and just have to be seen now. This will not induce sympathy with a person financially incapable of affording such luxury. Just say you?re going out of town.

?Don?t tell them it ?has to be next Tuesday between 2 and 4?. Ask nicely if ?that time? is available, but do not insist on it. If you consistently follow the suggestions laid out here, chances are the appointment coordinator will move patients around to accommodate your schedule just because you are the favorite. But it is not a good idea to demand a specific time unless they ask you first. In case you don?t know, the appointment coordinator is taught to run the schedule, and to not let the patients do it for them.

?Keep in mind it is the appointment coordinator?s job to FILL the schedule for the doctor. Most doctors want to see a full schedule for tomorrow when they leave for the day. ?Emergency time? is seldom available, unless the practice has a consistent need for it. I know of no doctor that likes to sit around with no patients and therefore no income. Even the most caring of doctors still has their income in mind. After all, they have a staff and bills to pay.

?Which brings up the next point: do not ask t! he appoi ntment coordinator for a discount or a payment plan. Trust me, they will not have the authority to grant one. In most practices, only the doctor can grant lower fees. Sometimes the office manager can suggest payment plans. However, keep in mind, you will never be the doctor?s favorite patient if you consistently ask for lower fees or special treatment in the payment department. If you truly need help with financing, do it with the greatest tact.

?And please, please if you remember nothing else I?ve said here, remember that your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. Your doctor files your insurance for you as a courtesy. It is not a requirement. It is not their duty. It is not their fault if your insurance does not pay, (most times anyway.) You may be responsible for any balances left by your insurance. Just because your insurance does not pay all of your doctor?s charges, does not mean your doctor charges too much. If there is a question about your insurance, offer to call the insurance company yourself. It is so time consuming for the office personnel to do this. Sometimes they will need to, but you?ll gain points with them if you do it yourself.

?And please know your insurance information. If you are going to a medical doctor, have your medical card with you for them to copy. If you are going to a dental office, know the difference between your medical and dental insurance and have the proper card available. Most dental policies are separate from the medical policy. Some vision policies are separate, also. If you work for a large corporation or a large group, such as State or Federal employees, the office will probably know who is your insurance carrier, but have your card available for them for ID numbers, etc., from the card. If you do not know who handles your insurance, contact your Human Resources department for the information before your appointment. Or, if your doctor is referring you to a specialist, you can obtain your insurance information from your regu! lar doct or to take to the specialist?s office. They will love you for this.

?Which brings up the next point: reward any special favors. Bring goodies with you for the doctor and staff. I?ve had patients bring the doctor a bottle of wine and a box of cookies for the staff. Most people are watching their weight, so fresh fruit is nice, too. One patient brought fresh strawberries, another fresh peaches in season. Bake them a cake. Bring a potted plant. Trust me, they?ll love you for it because it so rarely happens. If you do not have a chance to bring them anything, a written card to the doctor and staff with specific comments about how wonderful everyone was, is a great favorite, too. Praise the staff to the doctor if they do a good job and they?ll be your friends forever.

?Do not wear strong perfume. I?m constantly amazed how often patients do this. Remember you are at a doctor?s office. People there are sick, hurting, or have some kind of malady. A vast majority of people gets headache from smelling strong perfume. You are never going to be a favorite patient nor are you going to get the most compassionate service if all the staff can think about is getting your smelly self out of their office as soon as humanly possible. Do you want to be a rush job? What if your doctor is allergic to your perfume? Mine is! And so are members of our staff. It will be noted in your chart because a nurse or assistant that can tolerate your smelly self will be assigned to you while those you make sick will avoid you. The doctor may deliberately anger you just to get rid of you. You will not be treated well and may never know why because it is hard to tell a patient that they stink! Enough said.

?Do not cry. Yeah you?re hurting, or deathly sick, but please try not to cry. Doctors and staff will feel helpless and sad for you, but they?ll also be relieved when you leave. Raw emotion is hard for any human to deal with and doctors and staff are no different.

?Do not whine, or complain about another doctor you?v! e alread y seen. It could be the doctor?s best friend. Or a staff member?s friend. If you?ve been ?doctor shopping? and have seen several doctors in a short period of time, don?t tell the new doctor that you?ve seen ?5 different doctors and can?t find a good one?. You?ll be pegged as a ?problem patient? in a heartbeat and won?t be taken as seriously. Be professional when talking about other doctors, not complaining.

?Keep religion and politics out of your conversations in the doctor?s office. Period. Unless you know the affiliation of your doctor and/or staff matches yours from something they?ve said. I?ve seen a Baptist patient bring our Catholic doctor literature that conflicted with his beliefs. It created an uncomfortable situation. And don?t think just because you and everyone you know is fed up with your country?s leaders, your doctor is also. He may be in a different financial situation than you are and has differing opinions.

With a little forethought and tact and lots of kindness, you can be one of your doctor?s favorite patients. Now, to find that perfect doctor...

Debbie Boynton has worked in the dental field for eight years. She shares more information on this topic at:


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