If your child has had several ear infections already, or you simply wish to lower the risk of getting them in the first place, here are some proven ways to prevent, or at least lessen the frequency and severity, of ear infections:
Breastfeeding. Medical literature provides no doubt that prolonged breastfeeding lowers your child's chances of getting ear infections. Daycare setting. Continuous exposure to other children increases the risk that your child will catch more colds, and consequently more ear infections. Crowded daycare settings are a set up for germ sharing. If possible, switch your child to a small, home daycare setting. This will lower the risk. Control allergies. Allergies may be contributing to your child's runny nose and, consequently, ear infections. Investigate if your child is allergic and take the appropriate action to lower the risk. Feed baby upright. Lying down while bottle-feeding can cause the milk to irritate the Eustachian tube which can contribute to ear infections. Keep the nose clear. When a runny nose and cold start, do your best to keep the nose clear by using steam, saline nose drops, and suctioning. Cigarette smoke. There is strong evidence that smoking irritates baby's nasal passage, which leads to Eustachian tube dysfunction. Echinacea. This is a herb which can safely and effectively boost the immune system. Chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments to the skull and neck can improve middle ear drainage and decrease ear infections. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. These can greatly boost your child's immune system and help fight off infections. If you have a picky eater, healthy juices can provide this nutrition for your child. There are also effective ways to treat ear infections, using only natural ingredients. For more information and my recommended resource on treating an ear infection, visit my Ear Infection resource site.
About The Author: Alex King has resea! rched ea r infections in some depth, and shares his recommendations at Ear Infection Remedy.com. Alex also writes for ExpertFound.com
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