วันจันทร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551 | |

What Would Ginkgo Biloba Do For You?

First things first, what is ginkgo biloba? This tree has been considered as one of the tree species considered as among the living oldest tree as it has existed for over two hundred million years.

Who first used ginkgo biloba?

It has been recorded that it was the Chinese who first used ginkgo biloba for the treatment of numerous ailments and disease such as asthma, congestion of the lungs and even increasing one?s sexual prowess and helps in regulating one?s blood. After which, it was then introduced in Europe during the 1700?s.

Currently, it is being used in every part of the world and is now considered as an herb that is researched the most.

Why use ginkgo biloba?

A generally healthy body consists of appropriate circulation of the blood all throughout the vital organs. Thanks to ginkgo biloba, it assists the body via increasing the flow of blood through the brain as well as the blood vessels. Believe it or not, a healthy body is equal to good circulation of the blood.

What is in ginkgo biloba?

This herb has basically two components that actively assist the body to make it effective against fighting off diseases.

Gingkolides found in ginkgo biloba have the ability to control inflammation caused by allergies, asthma. It also helps eliminate free radicals which causes aging.

What are the positive effects of ginkgo biloba?

Gingko biloba helps enhance the alertness of the brain as well as its functioning. It improves memory, reduces mental fatigue and any form of energy lack. It therefore helps those who may have Alzheimer?s.

Basically, ginkgo biloba enhances the brain. It helps treat any condition that is brought about by a decrease in the flow of blood to the cerebral cortex.

Ginkgo biloba also helps improve one?s metabolism as it assists in the regulation of neurotransmitters thereby boosting the body?s levels of oxygen.

Gingko biloba also helps control cholesterol and how it is transformed. It avoids the build-up of! plaque in the heart, this is regularly associated with the hardening of the arteries.

Believe it or not, gingko biloba has also been used as an effective herb against infertility or impotence in males.

Gingko biloba also helps eliminate free radicals ? one of the main factors of aging ? and even helps one avoid several skin disorders including psoriasis.

Disorders in the eyes and ears are also treated by gingko biloba.

Generally, the intake of gingko biloba should not in any way exceed between forty milligrams up to two hundred milligrams.

Be aware though that there have also been recorded negative effects in the intake of gingko biloba.

Not so good effects of gingko biloba

There have been some recorded incidents wherein gingko biloba was able to cause some discomfort in the gastrointestinal area as well as headaches.

The intake of gingko biloba must also not be combined with drugs, specifically anti-depressants.

Also, if one has a disorder in clotting, it is not advisable for one to take gingko biloba. this herb should also not be used by those who are pregnant.

Other effects of gingko biloba include diarrhea, restlessness, vomiting, nausea, headaches.

All in all, gingko biloba have both positive and negative effects. Be aware of both and try to see how you could best harness this amazing herb to you and your loved-ones personal advantage and benefit.

Joyce Dietzel writes articles for-your-vitamins.com a website dedicated to vitamins, supplements, herbs and minerals.


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